On my way back from Physical Oceanography today I thought it would be a good idea to pick up some throat sweets being as how talking makes it very sore (and yes, I talk a lot) and my "talking" at the moment is barely audible above silence.
I went in to Morrisons to look for throat sweets in the hope they'd have those ones with the liquid but to no avail; the only ones they had are the big fat Halls ones that poke the roof of your mouth to bits with the corners, or blackcurrant Strepsils. Now, the only reason I didn't buy throat sweets yesterday was because all they had at the tills were blackcurrant Strepsils. Needless to say I was not amused.
I ruefully picked up a pack of 8 blackcurrant Strepsils (at 98p, which is extortion for 8 cough sweets. 12.25p each!) and put them on the counter and paid for the rest of my shopping.
I got outside, and after fumbling with the confounded packet I managed to break one free, then watched it hit the floor and roll away down a drain after dropping it. I think it did it to spite me.