Well we had the first of Bangor Uni Kite Club's socials this evening, just a quick one really to get some more signiatures and a chance for everyone involved in the club to ask the committee who were present any questions they had.

 There were a lot of questions asked, most of which were fielded well by the three committee members present and all of the new members seemed quite happy with the answers they received.

 So far we have 20 signitures (we need 15 to run an AU club apparently) and an e-mail list of 36. The Committee as it stands is as follows:

Ric - Chairman, Liam - Secretary, Sam (hopefully!) - Treasurer, William - Press Officer, Kev - Club Instructor, Leah - Equipment and Training Officer.

We decided tonight that because the Climbing Club has a meeting at the same time as ours (7ish on a Wednesday) we have some members who can't make it, so we've taken a vote and moved the nights we'll meet to a Thursday.

Still going well!