And so today began Semester 2.
Maffy and I walked down to Aldi after registering where I bought chocolate muffins, and good master Maffy purchased a sandwich, a bar of whole nut chocolate and 5 small cartons of orange juice.

We found our way to the lecture theatre and ate our food just outside- Maffy decided that, in good custom, he should stamp on one of the cartons to produce an explosive sound!
"Why!" I exclaimed. "We shall have none of that foolery in the lecture hall. Take it outside if you so wish to be such a heathen!" (which roughly translates as "Take it outside if you want to make a racket. I don't know you.") Whereupon young Maff said "It is not necessary, I will save one of my other cartons after our hours of education and I shall have a simply spiffing time following physics when I shall use my weight to pop the carton!" And so our lectures commenced.
Later, towards the end of our final hour today of physics, Maffy drew a small face on the carton he intended to crush. "Hello Leah." Spoke Maffy from behind the carton. "I'm Eric the Orange Juice Carton." This caused one to draw a small name label on it. 'Eric' then continued watching the proceedings of the tutorial with as much interest as it is possible for a small carton to behold.
At the end of the lecture, the Time of Doom arrived for Eric. As we walked down the corridor to the main doors, Maffy, holding eye contact with the smiling face of Eric, said "Why must you be so cruel oh Lord, for I have become emotionally attached to the carton called Eric and his cute face and big blue eyes! I must now keep him, I can never kill such an innocent looking carton of juice!" At which point the Lord spaketh (but only to Maffy, I didn't hear him, he must have been whispering) "Lo, do not end the life of the Carton called Eric - you have a 5th and final carton in your bag if you still wish to commit acts of destruction!"
And so, Eric and his smiling face watched the imminent death of his fellow carton as it was compressed by the weight of a teenage boy and promptly exploded across the pavement.
Thus ends the story of the highlight of my day.
Oh, and there was some fencing around the car park we walk through today, that said "Children's Play Area Closed For Refurbishment. We Apologise For Any Inconvenience Caused. Thank You" which we found very funny, since its a car park. I have a picture if you're really interested!